Thursday, April 28, 2011

London Blitz Air Fight in a Quick Look

Interviews of London Airforce soldiers

Overview: This link is a video from Instant Recall that I found on Youtube. This video shows an interview of three different soldiers from the London Airforce during the London Blitz. Not only do they have the views of the soldiers but they interview someone who was ten years old then, he is now a film director. The soldiers talk about how when going into the sky against the Germans, they expected to die and did not believe there was a high chance of them living. The soldiers also explain how their formation was. There would be twelve planes up at a time to fight against the Germans. They also went on saying how they saw the Germans bombing London as they were flying and fighting the fighter planes from the German side. The interviewee that was the boy, explained how he would lay down in his backyard and watch the planes fight above him. He said how he couldn't hear it, but it was neat seeing the Germans getting shot down and coming down in their parachutes. He said how he would be surprised that they didn't have two heads when coming down because they believed they were "monsters".
Interviewees: Patrick Hancock, Alec Ingle, Patrick Barthropp, and John Boorman (film director).

Arguement: The author takes the side of London. This is clear to see as he only interviewed people who fought for London. He also states in the beginning how London still fought even though they were out numbered. This shows that he had great pride and was on the side of London.

Source: The source is a video from Instant Recall, it is a form of documentary. Since it is from a documentary, it leads me to believe it is reliable.

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